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PP16331    Lost Boy #2 from the movie HOOK

Front Description

This pin features Rufio, the lost boy that took over for Peter during his absence. This pin has a Tri-Star copyright and is NOT a Disney Pin.


This pin IS a pin from the NON-Disney film, HOOK, directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Robin Williams.


The back stamp is "1991 Tri-Star Pictures Inc, all rights reserved, made in Taiwan".


This pin and the other pins form this film could be bought through a pin club in France called "LE CLUB DU PIN'S". This club, which is out of business now, specialized in pins when it was a huge thing in France.


The pins in this series include: #6910, #7024, #7023, #16328, #16329, #16330 and #16331.

Back Description


7 Linked Pins

  1. Tinker Bell Caught in the Captain's Hook
  2. Mr. Smee from 'HooK'
  3. Mermaid from 'Hook'
  4. Captain Hook from the movie HOOK
  5. Peter Pan from the movie HOOK
  6. Lost Boy #1 from the movie HOOK
  7. 'Hook' Title Banner
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