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PP163502    SDR - Duffy, Shellie May, Gelatoni and Stella Lou - Playing in Rain Puddles Set

Front Description

This four-pin PLAYING IN THE RAIN set was released at Shanghai Disney in September 2019, along with several other rain-themed Duffy and Friends pins and pin sets. This set features very happy Duffy, Shellie May, Gelatoni and Stella Lou playing in rain puddles. The boys are in hoodies, the girls carrying umbrellas. The bottom of the pin looks like each smiling character is standing in a silver-framed blue puddle of water.


#163502, #163503, #163504, #163505, #163506

Back Description


4 Linked Pins

  1. SDR - Gelatoni - Playing in Rain Puddle with Frog
  2. SDR - Duffy Bear - Playing in Rain Puddle with Frog
  3. SDR - ShellieMay with Umbrella - Playing in Rain Puddle
  4. SDR - StellaLou with Umbrella - Playing in Rain Puddle
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