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PP163557    SDR - Donald Duck - Catching Stars - Space Cute Booster - Astronaut

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This four-pin set is the Booster Pack from the SPACE CUTE series released exclusively at Shanghai on 13 Nov 2020. The set features four classic Disney characters wearing spacesuits and acting like astronauts: Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Pluto. Their spacesuits are all glittered, and the "bubble helmets" are a blue stained-glass element.


This pin features a very happy and grinning Donald Duck floating around on his jetpack in a glittery yellow spacesuit. He's holding a red-framed butterfly net and catching smiling yellow stars from around him. Donald's even wearing his blue sailor's cap inside his helmet.


#163554, ##163556, #163557, #163551, ##163553

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4 Linked Pins

  1. SDR - Space Cute Booster Set - Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Donald - Astronauts
  2. SDR - Pluto - Space Cute Booster - Astronaut
  3. SDR - Minnie Sitting on Crescent Moon - Space Cute Booster - Astronaut
  4. SDR - Mickey Planting Flag on Moon - Space Cute Booster - Astronaut
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