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PP163692    SDR - Olu Mel - Playing Uke - Ukulele - Green Turtle

Front Description

One of five pins in the OLU'S UKULELE set released on 11 Jun 2020 to celebrate the arrival of Olu Mel at Shanghai. (Olu is the sixth member of Duffy and Friends.)


This pin features a singing Olu standing in front of a yellow-sun design that has a thick dark-yellow border around it. Olu is facing to his left, right foot in the air, because he struts while he plays. He's holding his ukulele in his right arm and strumming with his left. The uke has his trademark purple hibiscus on the bottom of it.


#163695, #163694, #163693, #163692, #163691, #163690

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5 Linked Pins

  1. SDR - Olu Mel - Ukulele Set - Green Turtle
  2. SDR - Olu Mel - Blowing Shell Horn - Ukulele - Green Turtle
  3. SDR - Olu Mel - Surfing - Ukulele - Green Turtle - Logo
  4. SDR - Olu Mel - Playing on Raft - Ukulele - Green Turtle
  5. SDR - Hawaiian Ukulele - Olu Mel
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