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PP163743    SDR - Donald - Beach - Red Hearts in Eyes

Front Description

One of two MERMAID sets released on 21 May 2021 at Shanghai Disney Resort. The "Under the Sea" two-pin set features Minnie dressed as a mermaid and Mickey in a snorkel and mask. The "Beach" two-pin set features Daisy Duck dressed as a mermaid and Donald jumping for joy at the sight of her. Both rocks the girls are sitting on have a marbleized finish.


This pin features Donald Duck, facing left, wearing a blue-and-white-striped shirt, red neckkerchief, and blue hat. His arms and legs are spread full wide, in a WOW! position, and the pupils in his blue eyes have turned into red hearts.


#163742, #163743, #163744

Back Description

Gold Mickey-head waffle pattern. Single pin post with two nubs. Shanghai Disney logo, Pin Trading 2021 logo, ©Disney, MADE IN CHINA, FAC.

3 Linked Pins

  1. SDR - Minnie and Mickey - Under the Sea Set - Dressed as Mermaid - Snorkeling
  2. SDR - Daisy and Donald - Beach Set - Dressed as Mermaid
  3. SDR - Daisy and Donald - Beach Set - Dressed as Mermaid
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