Front Description
One of eight pins released in a Mystery set on 2 Oct 2023. Each box contained two random pins.
Dolores has long brown, curly hair arranged on top of her head with a red band and large red bow. She is posing next to her door left arm on her waist and right hand behind her ear to show listening. She is wearing a choker with red stone, a gold elbow length, ruffled, scoop neck blouse, and a red ruffled skirt banded with gold ruffles, and red shoes. Dolores's super power is her hearing. Her door is trimmed with gold curlicues, layers of olive green (outer layer), gold (2nd layer), and yellow (inner layer) outlined in shiny gold and flowers. Dolores is shown standing, eyes closed, all features and clothing in olive green, hands behind her ears, head surrounded by sound waves.
#164014, #164013, #164012, #164011, #164010, #164009, #164008, #164006, #164004
Back Description
Gold Mickey-head waffle pattern. Single pin post with two nubs. ADP 2023 logo, ©DISNEY, Cubic Mickey, MADE IN CHINA, FAC.