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PP164192    Pluto - Dogs - Mystery

Front Description

This is part of a eight-pin mystery DISNEY DOGS mystery box collection featuring cute-style art of eight classic Disney pups. Each box contains two random pins.


This pin features Pluto. He's dark yellow with black ears, nose and tail and is wearing a green collar. He is crouching down like he is playing, and he is looking behind him at his own tail.


Dogs in this set include Nana, Georgette, Lady, Dodger, Little Brother, Pluto, Pongo, and Copper.


#161454, #161455, #161456. #161457, #163555, #164174, 164176, #164192

Back Description

Silver Mickey-head waffle pattern. Single pin post. Authentic Pins 2024 logo, Cubic Mickey, ©DISNEY, MADE IN CHINA, FABRIQUE EN CHINE, HECHO EN CHINA, DIBUAT DI TIONGKKOK. FAC.

7 Linked Pins

  1. Nana - Dogs - Mystery - Peter Pan
  2. Georgette - Dogs - Mystery - Oliver and Company
  3. Lady - Dogs - Mystery - Lady and the Tramp
  4. Dodger - Dogs - Mystery - Oliver and Company
  5. Little Brother - Dogs - Mystery - Mulan
  6. Pongo - Dogs - Mystery - 101 Dalmatians
  7. Copper - Dogs - Mystery - Fox and the Hound
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