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PP164462    R2-D2 - Astromech - Droid Mystery - Star Wars

Front Description

Released in January 2024, the DROID MYSTERY SET contained eight open-edition pins featuring a different Star Wars droid on a trapezoid-shaped pin with a solid-color background and thick, silver border. Droids included in the set are BB-8, BD-1, C-3PO, C1-10P, K-2SO, L3-37, R2-D2, and R7-A7. Each Mystery box contained two random pins.


This pin features R2-D2, the most famous of astromech droids from the Star Wars saga, on a blue background.


#164455, #164456, #164457, #164459, #164460, #164463, #164462, #164461

Back Description

Silver Mickey-head waffle pattern. Single pin post with two nubs. Disney Pins 2024 logo, STAR WARS logo, cubic Mickey, ©Disney, ©&™ Lucasfilm, Ltd., Made in China, FAC.

8 Linked Pins

  1. BB-8 - Astromech - Droid Mystery - Star Wars
  2. BD-1 - Droid Mystery - Star Wars - Book of Boba Fett
  3. C-3PO - Protocol - Droid Mystery - Star Wars
  4. WDW - C1-10P - Chopper - Star Wars Droids - Mystery - Rebels
  5. K-2SO - Kaytoo - Droid Mystery - Rogue One - Star Wars
  6. L3-37 - Droid Mystery - Star Wars
  7. R7-A7 - Astromech - Droid Mystery - Clone Wars - Star Wars
  8. Star Wars Droids Set - Mystery
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