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PP164591    PALM - Pocahontas and John Smith - Royal Couples

Front Description

Part of a 10 pin set of couples. The border is silver and dark yellow with pink, bright pink and purple leaves and a yellow and green flower. The background is glittery pink. Pocahontas has black hair and is wearing a feather earring and a light tan dress with bright blue and white feathers. John has yellow hair and is wearing blue and dark blue.


Cinderella & Charming, Tiana & Naveen, Jasmine & Aladdin, Aurora & Phillip, Pocahontas & John Smith, Ariel & Eric, Belle & Beast, Rapunzel & Flynn, Snow White & Florian, Mulan and Shang Li


#153506, #158127, #158572, #159824, #164591

Back Description

Back is silver sand blasted metal, Limited Edition 300 Disney Mfg. by Monogram. I.I. Made in China - 2 post, no nubs

5 Linked Pins

  1. PALM - Cinderella and Prince Charming - Royal Couples
  2. PALM - Tiana and Naveen - Royal Couples - Princess and the Frog
  3. PALM - Jasmine and Aladdin - Royal Couples
  4. PALM - Aurora and Prince Phillip - Royal Couples - Sleeping Beauty
  5. PALM - Ariel and Eric - Royal Couples - Little Mermaid
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