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PP164635    DCL - Rapunzel - Porthole Mystery - Tangled

Front Description

One of eight pins released in the 2024 PORTHOLE MYSTERY Collection. Each box contained two random pins. The eight characters are: Captain Mickey, Captain Minnie, Steamboat Willie, Sorcerer Mickey, Donald Duck, Goofy, Dumbo and Rapunzel. The pins have thick, silver borders made to look like portholes on a ship (down to the light-colored dots representing rivets). The characters are leaning out through the portholes.


This pin features Rapunzel, the Princess from the Disney animated Tangled, looking over her right shoulder at the paintbrush she's holding in her right hand.


#164630, #164631, #164632, #164633, #164634, #164635, #164636, #164637

Back Description

Silver Mickey-head waffle pattern. Single pin post with two nubs. Disney Cruise Line logo, Authentic Disney Pins 2024, cubic Mickey, ©DISNEY, MADE IN VIETNAM, FAC.

7 Linked Pins

  1. DCL - Mickey as Steamboat Willie - Porthole Mystery
  2. DCL - Sorcerer Mickey - Porthole Mystery
  3. DCL - Painter Goofy - Porthole Mystery
  4. DCL - Angry Donald Duck - Porthole Mystery
  5. DCL - Dumbo - Porthole Mystery
  6. DCL - Captain Minnie - Porthole Mystery
  7. DCL - Captain Mickey - Porthole Mystery
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