Front Description
This open-edition pin features Stitch and Angel from the animated Disney film, Lilo and Stitch. The two (pin-on-pin element) are sitting on a beach, facing each other and rubbing noses. Both are wearing Hawaiian shirts. Behind each, in the sand, are two hibiscus flowers and a surfboard. The surfboards serve as a frame for a round, red background (looking like a setting sun). Above that is a white, cloud-shaped banner curving around the top with the words "You had me at ALOHA" written on it.
Back Description
Silver Mickey-head waffle pattern. One pin post and two nubs. Two rivets. 2024 Pin Trading logo, Aulani Resort logo, logo, cubic Mickey, ©DISNEY, MADE IN CHINA, FABRIQUE EN CHINE, HECHO EN CHINA, DIBUAT DI TIONGKOK, FAC.