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PP164980    DSSH - Jar Jar Binks - Phantom Menace - 25th Anniversary - Star Wars Episode 1

Front Description

Released on May 4, 2024 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Star Wars film, Phantom Menace Episode 1. The background of this round is rust brown with a black border. Jar Jar Binks is an Otolla Gungan. He's salmon, light tan and black with dark yellow eyes. He's wearing a medium gray and black vest. Text at the bottom, "25 STAR WARS EPISODE 1 THE PHANTOM MENACE" in dark yellow on a black background.


Set: Marquee, Darth Maul, Padme, Anakin, Jar Jar Binks


#164976, #164977, #164978, #164979, #164980

Back Description

Back is gold with ice cream cone pattern, Disney STUDIO STORE HOLLYWOOD Limited Edition 300 © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. © Disney China FAC - 2 posts, no nubs

4 Linked Pins

  1. DSSH - Darth Maul and Qui Gon Jinn - Phantom Menace - 25th Anniversary - Marquee - Star Wars Episode 1
  2. DSSH - Darth Maul - Red Light Saber - Phantom Menace - 25th Anniversary - Star Wars Episode 1
  3. DSSH - Padme Amidala - Phantom Menace - 25th Anniversary - Star Wars Episode 1
  4. DSSH - Young Anakin Skywalker - Phantom Menace - 25th Anniversary - Star Wars Episode 1
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