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PP164995    Black Panther - Wakanda Forever - Marvel Avengers Starter

Front Description

One of four pins from the MARVEL AVENGERS Starter Set (which included a lanyard) that was released in October 2022. Each shaped pin features a different Marvel Avengers character, shown in comic-book style, in front of or behind a sign with their slogan spelled out.


This pin features the Black Panther about to strike, his left hand raised, his right straight out to his side. He's crouched in front of a sign that says WAKANDA FOREVER in yellow.


Characters in the set include Captain America, Captain Marvel, Spider-Man, and Black Panther.


#164991, #164993, #164994, #164995

Back Description

Silver Mickey-head waffle pattern. Single pin post. ©MARVEL, ©DISNEY, MADE IN CHINA, 2022 Disney Pins logo, Marvel logo, FAC.

3 Linked Pins

  1. Captain America - The First Avenger - Marvel Avengers Starter
  2. Captain Marvel - Star Power - Marvel Avengers Starter
  3. Spider-Man - Web-Slinger - Marvel Avengers Starter
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