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PP165067    Maleficent, Merryweather, Flora, Fauna - Build A Pin - Sleeping Beauty

Front Description

This three pin set features Maleficent and the Good Fairies from the movie, Sleeping Beauty.

Maleficent and the Fairies connect onto the Sleeping Beauty Castle pin which shows Walt and Mickey inside holding hands and waving like the Partners Statue at Disneyland.

Set: #165067, #165069 Maleficent, #165070 Fairies, #165071 castle frame

Back Description

See individual pins for back information.

3 Linked Pins

  1. Maleficent - Build A Pin - Sleeping Beauty
  2. Merryweather, Flora, Fauna - Good Faires - Build A Pin - Sleeping Beauty
  3. Walt Disney and Mickey - Partners Statue - Castle - Frame - Build A Pin
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