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PP165341    DLP - Cheshire Set - Alice in Wonderland Event

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The Alice in Wonderland event was held on May 25, 2024 at the Newport Bay Hotel, Disneyland Paris. While not technically a set or series, a total of 16 items were released during this event. This listing is for the 5-pins Cheshire boxed set, containing only the crazy cat in different positions and expressions. Set: Headstand, head, headless, head in hands, relaxed.

#165341, #165343, #165344, #165345, #165347, #165348

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5 Linked Pins

  1. DLP - Cheshire - Standing on his Head - Alice in Wonderland Event
  2. DLP - Cheshire - Head without Body - Alice in Wonderland Event
  3. DLP - Cheshire - Headless - Alice in Wonderland Event
  4. DLP - Cheshire - Head in his Hands - Alice in Wonderland Event
  5. DLP - Cheshire - Relaxed - Alice in Wonderland Event
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