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PP165708    WDW - Mickey, Minnie, Donald - Hollywood Tower Hotel - Service Elevator - Hinged

Front Description

One of six open-edition HOLLYWOOD TOWER HOTEL pins released in June 2024. The color scheme is a monochromatic yellow with brownish-red details, invoking a 1920s feel.


This rectangular pin features an angry Donald Duck as a hotel bellhop. He's standing in the center, loaded with Mickey and Minnie's luggage, in front of a Service Elevator that's already in use. This scene sits on a brownish-red background. When folded, this scene is the front; when unfolded, it's the bottom.


The center of the panels features Mickey and Minnie, in 1920s-style formal attire, exiting a Service Elevator. Mickey's smiling, but Minnie's a bit confused about having taken the service elevator.


The top of the unfolded pin features a hotel poster, with lightning bolts raging across a dark sky.


#165705, #165706, #165707, #165708, #167824

Back Description

Silver Mickey-head waffle pattern. Two pin posts. Authentic Disney Pins logo 2024, cubic Mickey, ©DISNEY, MADE IN CHINA, FAC.

5 Linked Pins

  1. WDW - Donald Duck as Bellhop - Hollywood Tower Hotel - Out of Order - Service Elevator
  2. WDW - Stitch as Bellhop - Hollywood Tower Hotel - Service Elevator
  3. WDW - Mickey and Minnie - Hollywood Tower Hotel - Tip Top Club - Dine and Dance - Drop In
  4. WDW - Mickey - Door Hanger - Hollywood Tower Hotel - Please Do Not Disturb - Thank You
  5. WDW - Minnie - Hollywood Tower Hotel - Dangle
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