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PP165934    Hawaiian Shave Ice - July - Stitch Attacks Snacks

Front Description

Released at WDW, DL and DisneyStore.com on July 9, 2024, this pin is part of the monthly STITCH ATTACKS SNACKS series. It features a blue-and-white-striped cone of tri-colored red, yellow and blue Hawaiian Shave Ice. There are little blue Mickey Head icons on the cone.


Pins: Set, Stitch, Angel, Shave Ice.


#165930, #165931, #165933, #165934, #164831

Back Description

Silver Mickey Head waffle pattern. Single pin post with two nubs. Authentic Pins logo 2024. Cubic Mickey. Stitch Attacks Snacks logo. ©DISNEY, LIMITED RELEASE, MADE IN CHINA, FAC.

4 Linked Pins

  1. Stitch - Mickey Ice Cream FLoat - May - Stitch Attacks Snacks
  2. Stitch Attacks Snacks Shave Ice Set - July
  3. Stitch - Shave Ice - July - Stitch Attacks Snacks
  4. Angel - Shave Ice - July - Stitch Attacks Snacks
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