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PP166235    Gracey Manor - Haunted Mansion - Spinner

Front Description

Sold in the US parks around the release date of the Haunted Mansion movie in 2023, the pin was first released on 18 Jul at Disneyland. The base frame of the spinner is oval shaped and resembles the frame of the attraction’s entrance plaque, with a gargoyle at the top and a skull at the bottom. The center spinning element has a black enamel fill on both sides. One side has the movie logo with the HM initials, and the other side features an ornate monogrammed G for Gracey Manor. The silver finish has had a green cast added to it, like a lot of Haunted Mansion pins.

Back Description

Silver Mickey-head waffle pattern. Single pin post with two nubs. Disney Pins 2023 logo, LIMITED RELEASE, MADE IN CHINA, ©DISNEY, cubic Mickey, FAC.

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