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PP166852    TeeTurtle - Han Solo - I Know - Chibi - Empire Strikes Back - Star Wars

Front Description

Released in late 2022 or early 2023, this pin features chibi-style HAN SOLO, standing with his left hand holding his jacket front and his right hand resting on his sheathed blaster. There is a rectangular black dialog bubble behind him with I KNOW in white.


#166846, #166849, #166848, #166847, #166852, #166854, #166855, #166891

Back Description

Black sandblasted pebble finish. Two pin posts with no nubs. Star Wars logo, ©LFL, TeeTurtle logo, Made in China, printed CUG number.

7 Linked Pins

  1. TeeTurtle - Ahsoka and Grogu - Chibi - Mandalorian - Star Wars
  2. TeeTurtle - Obi-Wan Kenobi - Hello There - Chibi - Star Wars
  3. TeeTurtle - Din Djarin and Grogu - Jet Pack Flying - Chibi - Mandalorian - Star Wars
  4. TeeTurtle - Din Djarin and Grogu - Hugging - Chibi - Mandalorian - Star Wars
  5. TeeTurtle - Princess Leia - I Love You - Chibi - Empire Strikes Back - Star Wars
  6. TeeTurtle - Angry Porg - Chibi - Star Wars
  7. TeeTurtle - Grogu and R2-D2 - Playing Jedi - Chibi - Mandalorian - Star Wars
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