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PP166912    WDW - Captain Hook, Peter Pan, Tinker Bell - Villains Take the Spotlight - Disney After Dark

Front Description

This pin features Captain Hook, Peter Pan and Tinker Bell from Disney's animated feature film, PETER PAN. Captain Hook has Peter bound to the ships mast. He is holding a sword at Peter. Tinker Bell is locked in a lantern. They are wearing their traditional attire from the film.

One of six DISNEY VILLAINS TAKE THE SPOT LIGHT pins released at the DISNEY AFTER DARK 2024 PIN EVENT at Walt Disney World in August 2024. Each LE750 pin features a different animated Disney character in their iconic landscape with other characters/items from an animated Disney film.


All registered event guests will receive a 2024 Disney After Dark Pin Event Black light Mini Flashlight included with their event package as these pins have black light ink that when activated, will alter the scene. ARTIST: Adrianne Draude


#166907, #166908, #166909, #166910, #166911, #166912

Back Description

Silver with mickey heads, double post, Mickey head crystal, After Dark logo, Authentic pin logo 2024, LIMITED EDITION 750, MADE IN VIETNAM, FAC-, ©DISNEY

5 Linked Pins

  1. WDW - Hades, Pain, Panic - Villains Take the Spotlight - Disney After Dark - Hercules
  2. WDW - Scar - Villains Take the Spotlight - Disney After Dark - Lion King
  3. WDW - Ursula - Villains Take the Spotlight - Disney After Dark - Little Mermaid
  4. WDW - Oogie Boogie - Villains Take the Spotlight - Disney After Dark - Nightmare Before Christmas
  5. WDW - Yzma and Kuzco - Villains Take the Spotlight - Disney After Dark - Emperor's New Groove
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