Front Description
This pin was given to crew members that worked for Industrial Light & Magic as a gift in 2001. There are 3 ivory tiles with the black letters "I", "L", "M" in a red column on the left of the pin. At the top of the column is a black circle containing the lightbulb symbol for Industrial Light and Magic. An arc bordered in teal comes from the top of the pin down and to the right with vertical lines in it on an ivory background. Beneath this is "2001" centred in a teal box with 3 horizontal lines to the left and right of the year. "VFX & ANIMATION" is written below this at the red coloured base. Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) was founded in 1975 by George Lucas and has been a division of Lucasfilm. The Walt Disney Company acquired ILM in 2012 as part of its purchase of Lucasfilm.
Back Description
Silver waffle-weave pattern. 1 pin post, 1 barb. Centred at the bottom is the backstamp: "PD, China."