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PP167086    WDW - Ursula, Flotsam, Jetsam - Disney Villains Cluster - Disney After Dark - Little Mermaid

Front Description

This pin features the Ursula from Disney's animated feature film THE LITTLE MERMAID. Ursula is in the center of the mini jumbo pin surrounded by the eels, Flotsam and Jetsam, and other sea life. They are all on a two-toned blue background. Ursula, the eels and her potions are pin on pin.


One of five DISNEY VILLAINS CLUSTER pins released at the DISNEY AFTER DARK 2024 PIN EVENT at Walt Disney World in August 2024. Each LE500 pin features a different animated Disney villain in a cluster with other characters from a different Disney animated film.


All registered event guests will receive a 2024 Disney After Dark Pin Event Black light Mini Flashlight included with their event package as these pins have black light ink that when activated, will alter the scene. Artist Jason Peltz.

Back Description

Silver Mickey head waffle pattern. 2 posts (right and left). Cubic zirconia Mickey head. Disney AFTER DARK pin event 2024. Authentic pin logo 2024. LIMITED EDITION 500. MADE IN VIETNAM. ©DISNEY. FAC.

4 Linked Pins

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