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PP167388    Mickey Mouse - 40 Year Service Award - First Version - Cast Exclusive

Front Description

This is given to Cast Members who have been with Disney for 40 years. It features Mickey holding his hands out. This is an earlier version of a subsequent Mickey 40 Year service pin (#7873) and may well be the very first version of the 40 Year Service pin.


Compared to #7873, Mickey on this pin has a more vintage look with a wider mouth and narrower head. His eyes are rounder and ears are wider set. This older version of Mickey has eyebrows (whereas the new version does not) and has arms that are lower set on the torso and his body is more centred (whereas the body on new version is tilted toward the right of the pin). On this older version Mickey's right short leg is higher than the left, whereas this is reversed on the newer version. The tail on the old version comes off to the right of the pin as opposed the new version where the tail is on the left of the pin.


There were three subsequent versions of this pin: Mickey Mouse (2nd) #7873, Donald Duck (1st) #25924, and Donald Duck (2nd) #112052.

Back Description

Bronze sandblasted pebble finish. Single pin post with one barb. As with many of the early Disney Cast Service pins produced by the O. C. Tanner company, this pin legitimately had no backstamp.

3 Linked Pins

  1. Mickey Mouse - 40 Year Service Award - Cast Exclusive
  2. Donald Duck - 40 Year Service Award - Cast Exclusive - 2nd Version
  3. Donald Duck - 40 Year Service Award - Cast Exclusive
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