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PP168633    DLP - Mickey Mouse - Dressed as Skeleton - Halloween

Front Description

On the left of the pin, features the silhouette of a castle in the distance against a yellow round moon. In the foreground is a bundle of wood with an orange jack-o-lantern on the ground. The right section is double-layered and shows Mickey leaning on an orange pear-shaped jack-o-lantern. Mickey wears a black bodysuit with a white skeleton drawn on it. Over that he has a purple cape with green trim, fastened under his chin with an orange pumpkin button. His legs are crossed and he has a broad smile.Approximate pin dimensions: W 5.3 cm x H 5.5 cm.

Back Description

Black mickey-head waffle pattern. Two pin posts with each two nubs. Two rivets. ÉDITION LIMITÉE XXX/700, Authentic Pin Trading logo 2024, Disneyland PARIS logo, ©Disney Made in China.

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