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PP168816    Japan - Mickey - Jigsaw Puzzle

Front Description

This is part of a set of 4, and features a black stripe at the top, and white buttons on a red background that represents Mickey Mouse.

Set #124306, Goofy #124305, Donald #124303, Minnie #124304

Back Description

Silver Mickey head waffle pattern, single post with 1 nub top, Shanghai Disney Resort logo, Authentic Official Pin Trading logo 2016, ©Disney, MADE IN CHINA, FAC

4 Linked Pins

  1. Japan - Donald - Jigsaw Puzzle - TDL
  2. Japan - Minnie - Jigsaw Puzzle - TDL
  3. Japan - Goofy - Jigsaw Puzzle - TDL
  4. Japan - Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald - Jigsaw Puzzle Set - TDL
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