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PP169174    Luke and Leia - Swinging - Cartoon Style - Star Wars

Front Description

Released as part of a 5 pin, open edition, rack series of cartoon Star Wars pins at the Disney Parks and on ShopDisney on 3 October 2023. Luke and Leia swing across the retracted bridge on the Death Star to escape the storm troopers. Scene from the original movie. Luke and Leia are pin on pin above background with 3 storm troopers on the right of tree village.


Pin measures 2 x 1-1/2 inches.


Series: Jawas/R2-D2 #159964, Luke Speeder #159963, C3-PO/Ewoks #161747, Luke/Leia #169174, Leia/Chewie #160058

Back Description

Silver back with mickey head imprints. Single post. Star Wars logo Authentic Disney Pins 2023 logo, ©DISNEY, ©&™Lucasfilm Ltd., MADE IN CHINA FABRIQUE AU CHINE HECHO EN CHINA DIBUAT DI TIONGKOK, FAC.

Linked Pins

  1. Luke, Obi-Wan Kenobi, R2-D2, C3PO in Land Speeder - Star Wars A New Hope - Tatooine - Cartoon
  2. Jawas Carrying Droid R2-D2 – Star Wars A New Hope - Cartoon
  3. Chewbacca, Princess Leia and C3PO - Millennium Falcom - Empire Strikes Back - Star Wars
  4. C3PO and Ewoks - Cartoon Style - Star Wars
  5. Princess Leia and Chewbacca - Star Wars Reimagined Scenes Series
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