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PP169374    Minnie - Italy - Christmas Holidays Around the World

Front Description

One of four CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS AROUND THE WORLD pins released in November 2024.


This pin represents ITALY with Minnie dressed in traditional clothing and holding a broom in her left hand. She's standing in front of a banister and gifts.


Countries included in the series are the United Kingdom, Norway, France, and Italy.


#169373, #169374, #169375, #169376

Back Description

Silver with Mickey heads, double post w/ no nubs, Authentic pin logo 2024, ©DISNEY, MADE IN CHINA, LIMITED EDITION 2000, Cubic Mickey head, FAC-

3 Linked Pins

  1. Mickey - France - Christmas Holidays Around the World
  2. Mickey - Norway - Christmas Holidays Around the World
  3. Mickey - United Kingdom - Christmas Holidays Around the World
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