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PP169420    Grimsby - Little Mermaid - 35th Anniversary Collection - Mystery - Puzzle

Front Description

This ten-pin ARIEL AND FRIENDS mystery set was released in November 2024 to celebrate the 35th anniversary of Disney's animated THE LITTLE MERMAID. Each box contained two random pins. Each irregularly shaped pin features a different character(s) from the film. When assembled property, the puzzle pins form the silhouetted shape (in profile pose) of mermaid Ariel sitting on a rock. Laser print detail.


This pin features GRIMSBY.


Characters in the set include King Triton, Ursula with Flotsam and Jetsam, Sebastian, Grimsby, Scuttle, Eric, Ariel, Flounder, Vanessa, and Chef Louis.


#169400, #169404, #169405, #169406, #169407, #169408, #169409, #169411, #169416, #169417, #169419, #169420, #169421, #169423, #169424, #169425, #169427, #169428

Back Description

Silver Mickey-head waffle pattern. Single pin post with two nubs. Authentic Disney Pins 2024 logo, Little Mermaid 35th Anniversary logo, cubic Mickey, MADE IN VIETNAM, LIMITED RELEASE, ©DISNEY, FAC.

25 Linked Pins

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  10. Ursula - Little Mermaid 35th Anniversary Collection
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  12. Ariel and Flounder - Little Mermaid 35th Anniversary Collection
  13. Ariel and King Triton - Little Mermaid 35th Anniversary Collection
  14. Ariel and Ursula - Little Mermaid 35th Anniversary Collection
  15. Ursula - Ariel and Friends - Little Mermaid 35th Anniversary Collection
  16. Ariel and Friends - Little Mermaid Mystery Set - 35th Anniversary Collection - Puzzle
  17. Ariel - Little Mermaid 35th Anniversary Collection - Mystery - Puzzle
  18. Eric - Little Mermaid - 35th Anniversary Collection - Mystery - Puzzle
  19. Flounder - Little Mermaid 35th Anniversary Collection - Mystery - Puzzle
  20. Chef Louis - Little Mermaid 35th Anniversary Collection - Mystery - Puzzle
  21. King Triton - Little Mermaid 35th Anniversary Collection - Mystery - Puzzle
  22. Scuttle - Little Mermaid 35th Anniversary Collection - Mystery - Puzzle
  23. Sebastian - Little Mermaid 35th Anniversary Collection - Mystery - Puzzle
  24. Ursula with Flotsam and Jetsam - Little Mermaid 35th Anniversary Collection - Mystery - Puzzle
  25. Vanessa - Little Mermaid 35th Anniversary Collection - Mystery - Puzzle
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