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PP169617    SDR - Gazelle - Hidden Mickey - Gazelle Head - Ice Cream Treat - Popsicle - Zootopia

Front Description

This pin is part of a hidden mickey series released at Shanghai Disney that features different characters from "Zootopia" as ice cream popsicle treats. This pin features Gazelle. Her head is on a neon pink popsicle, with her horns extending off of it, and a gold hidden mickey in the popsicle stick.

Series: Judy #162335, Nick #163260, Flash #169615, Bellweather #169618, Gazelle #169617, Clawhauser #169616

Back Description

The back of the pin is single post with nubs, gold metal, with the Mickey waffling pattern, Official Pin Trading logo, SDR logo, ©DISNEY, MADE IN CHINA, stamped FAC#.

5 Linked Pins

  1. SDR - Judy Hopps - Hidden Mickey - Rabbit Head - Ice Cream Treat - Zootopia
  2. SDR - Nick Wilde - Hidden Mickey - Fox Head - Ice Cream Treat - Zootopia
  3. SDR - Flash - Hidden Mickey - Sloth Head - Ice Cream Treat - Popsicle - Zootopia
  4. SDR - Clawhauser - Hidden Mickey - Cheetah Head - Ice Cream Treat - Popsicle - Zootopia
  5. SDR - Bellweather - Hidden Mickey - Sheep Head - Ice Cream Treat - Popsicle - Zootopia
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