Front Description
Released in August 2024, these Walt's Restaurant pins were available for purchase to those who dined at the Disneyland Paris Main Street restaurant (one per person). The pins came in three colors (red, green, and yellow) and could not be traded in the parks.
This pin has a cream oval in the center with WALT'S (in aqua with black/gold swirls), AN AMERICAN RESTUARANT (in gold), CHICAGO, ILLINOIS (in aqua). The rest of the pin is red with ornate designs in each corner.
The pin comes in a green matchbook-style card. The front of the card has the same oval-style restaurant logo and says EDITION LIMITEE, 5000 EXEMPLAIRES. On the inside-left of the cover is a quote that reads ALL OUR DREAMS CAN COME TRUE, IF WE HAVE THE COURAGE TO PURSUE THEM! - WALT DISNEY -
A note about this restaurant: WALT'S: AN AMERICAN RESTAURANT was designed as a "Club 33 for the average guest". It's only found on Main Street in Disneyland Paris (formerly Euro Disneyland). There never was a Walt's Restaurant in Chicago; Imagineers meant it as a tribute to Walt's American heritage.
Back Description
Gold Mickey-head waffle pattern. Single pin post. Disneyland Paris logo, ©Disney, Made in China.