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PP170021    DLP - Chip and Dale - Bellhops at the Elevator - Hollywood Tower Hotel

Front Description

This pin shows Chip and Dale in the bellhop uniform in front of the Hollywood Tower Hotel elevator. The attraction is similar to the Tower of Terror. A narrow light beam shines through the almost closed doors of the elevator. Both chipmunks are a pin-on-pin element. Chips at the right stands facings to the right, inviting to go into the eleavator with a very serious expression. Dale at the right and facing to the left is bend and does the same with both hand, almost kneeling and happy smiling. Dale's fur is lighter than Chip's. The bellhop uniform is burgundy with yellow buttons and piping on the cuffs. The hats have black piping. Pin dimensions: W5 x H5 cm.

Back Description

Gold mickey-head waffle pattern. Two pin posts and 4 rivets. Authentic Pin Trading logo 2024, Disneyland PARIS logo, ©Disney Made in China.

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