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PP170538    Amazon - Meet Me at Yavin 4 Set - Adventures Across the Galaxy - A New Hope - Star Wars

Front Description

Manufactured by SalesOne, exclusively for Amazon, this six-pin soft-enamel set features emblems and icons from the Battle at Yavin, as seen in STAR WARS: EPISODE IV - A NEW HOPE.


Set includes a Yavin 4 poster, the Death Star, Luke Skywalker as a pilot, an X Wing, a TIE Fighter, and the Yavin Medal for Bravery.


#170539, 170538, #170540, 170541, #170542, #170543, #170544

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Linked Pins

  1. Amazon - X-Wing Starfighter - Meet Me at Yavin 4 - Adventures Across the Galaxy - A New Hope - Star Wars
  2. Amazon - Meet Me at Yavin 4 - Adventures Across the Galaxy - A New Hope - Star Wars
  3. Amazon - TIE Fighter - Meet Me at Yavin 4 - Adventures Across the Galaxy - A New Hope - Star Wars
  4. Amazon - Death Star - Meet Me at Yavin 4 - Adventures Across the Galaxy - A New Hope - Star Wars
  5. Amazon - X-Wing Pilot Luke Skywalker - Meet Me at Yavin 4 - Adventures Across the Galaxy - A New Hope - Star Wars
  6. Amazon - Medal for Bravery - Meet Me at Yavin 4 - Adventures Across the Galaxy - A New Hope - Star Wars
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