Front Description
A commemorative pin for the opening day of the very first ESPN THE STORE. This was Disney's first concept store for a new chain of mall stores featuring exclusive ESPN merchandise and clothing very much like its DSs at that time. This was before the ESPN ZONE concept of entertainment centers which started in 1998. Like the Club Disney play centers, it was soon abandoned after it failed to produce sufficent profit required to expand the concept. Front is a black shield with gold laural on each side of it. Reads "ESPN" logo in white letters underlined by a red bar. Reads "The Store" under the red bar in white letters. Pin on pin green banner reads "September 16, 1997 Opening Day Glendale" On top of the banner are multiple sport balls (golf ball, volley ball, hockey puck, Football, Basketball, baseball, and Soccer ball.
The back reads
(C)ESPN Limited Edition ___/1000
Back Description