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PP172442    Sword in the Stone Character Cluster

Front Description

One of three CHARACTER CLUSTER pins released in March 2025, this pin features part of the cast from Disney's animated THE SWORD IN THE STONE: Arthur, Archimedes the Owl, Madam Mim and Merlin in their human form, and Mim and Merlin in their animal forms as seen during the Wizard's Duel (walrus and elephant). Arthur is pulling on the sword with his left hand.


Each round pin features a glittery background and different animated Disney characters.

Back Description

Silver Mickey-head waffle pattern. Two pin posts. Authentic Disney Pins 2025 logo, cubic Mickey, ©Disney, Made in Vietnam, FAC.

5 Linked Pins

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  2. Alice in Wonderland Character Cluster
  3. Sensational Six Disney Character Cluster
  4. Aristocats Character Cluster
  5. Lion King Character Cluster
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