Front Description
Framed set of 5 pins from Tokyo Disneyland/ Tokyo Disney Resort for New Year 2003. Comes in a beautiful red wooden frame with persplex front, which can stand up or can be hung. The size is approx. 5" x 5". The base of each pin is cloisonne style, whilst the top layer is coating type (but thicker and higher quality than other coating pins).
This set is absolutely beautiful. Each pin is designed to reflect some aspect of Japanese New Year tradition.
1. Chip&Dale: The base is a "koma" or spinning top. The top layer has Chip playing with the koma and Dale playing with a "taketombo" which is a propeller on a stick. (you hold the stick between your palms, rub furiously and then let it go - it flies upwards)
2. Donald: The base is a "uchide no kozuchi", which basically translates as "treasure hammer". (you shake this 'hammer' and it is meant to bring you 'treasure', such as good luck, wealth, happy thoughts, etc.) The top layer has Donald playing with a "den den daiko" which is a little hand drum (you would have seen them on the Karate Kid movie). When you twist the drum, the little beads on threads hit the drum to make it beat. Notice the Mickey Ears at the top!
3. Mickey: base layer is a yellow "tensu", or folding fan. The top layer has Mickey doing "kakizome", which is the first auspicious writings of the New Year done in calligraphy. Notice his writing? It is the Disneyland castle!
4. Pluto: the base is a "ema", or prayer board. At the new year you go to the shrine and write your wishes for the year on the board and hang it at the special area. It is fun to visit the shrine and read everyone's boards! The top layer has Pluto dressed as a "shishimai", or Chinese dragon! Yes, in Japan too at special events at the shrine, out comes the dragon!
5. Minnie: The base is a "shimenawa" or straw wreath that is hung at the entrance at New Year. The top layer has Minnie dressed in her kimono (dressed for her first visit of the year to the shrine, no doubt). She is holding a "hagoita", or paddle, which is used to play the game "hanetsuki" (like badminton). This was traditionally played at new year, but nowadays kids prefer their Play Stations!
The individual pins can be found at #17345, #17346, #17347, #17348, #17349