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PP17516    Lions Club - Black Cauldron Series (Taran)

Front Description

This pin was released by the Lions Club for the movie "The Black Cauldron." It's one of a series of pins created for the movie.


This is a round green pin with Taran shown from the shoulders up in the center, facing right. On the top of the green border, it reads "Walt Disney Pictures" with "The Black Cauldron" at the bottom. As with all Lions Club pins, there is a pin-on-pin logo of the group at left.


I am unaware if Walt Disney was a member of the Lion's Club, but it is known that he gave the group his personal permission to use Disney characters for some of their pins. On the inside circle of the pin, in very small letters, is, "c MCMLXXXV WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS."


This pin measures 1 1/4" (32 mm) round. There are no markings on the back (as the copyright is printing on the front).

Back Description


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