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older pin from opening of Euro Disney [now Disneyland Paris] the picture does not show it well, but the background of this approximate 1" rectangular pin is gold. In the upper right corner is a square with yellow background and a black Mickey Mouse logo. In red text is the corporate sponsor name "Vittel" Under that is green text that say's "Euro Disney" the bottom text reads "12 Avril 1992" which was the opening of this park. Vittel is a brand of bottled water
This pin, as with many other Euro Disney sponser pins, was given out prior to the official opening of EuroDisney. During the two weeks prior to the April 12, 1992 opening, guests of the sponsers (such as Coca-Cola, Kodak, etc) were invited to visit the park and enjoy the attractions. These special days were usually accompanied by a ceremony with a small show dedicating the sponser's attraction. These pins were handed out to the guests and were never sold.
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