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PP18643    WDW - Genie & Jafar - Artist Choice - Parti Gras 2003

Front Description

Released as part of the Mickey's Part Gras event at Animal Kingdom 2/1/03. From the event catalogue: The Genie and Jafar, from Aladdin, explode from their lamps to conjure up a billowing storm of swirling Mickey head confetti and fun. By artist Martha Widener. Part of the Disney Artist Choice series with pencil and brush logo at the bottom.


Pins in this series include: #17979, #17980, #17981, #18371, #18637, #18638, #18639, #18640, #18641, #18642, #18643, #18644, #18645, #18646, #18660, #18661, #18662, #18663, #18664, #18683.

Back Description

Gold sand blasted back, Pin trading logo 2003, Parti Gras logo, Artist Martha Widener, Limited Edition of 1500, ©DISNEY, MADE IN CHINA

31 Linked Pins

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