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PP18657    RunA - Beauty & the Beast - 6 Pin Box Set

Front Description

This Beauty and the Beast box set was released by the RUN'A Company and sold in Japan. The box is made of resin, and the ballroom scene in the background is three dimensional. Each pin is stamped Disney, RUN'A on the back, but no edition size is given. The set retailed for 3980 yen which converts to $30.91 in today's (01/08/03) market.


Individual pins listed include:

* Pin #67240 - Belle and Beast Dancing

* Pin #67248 - The Enchanted Rose Under Bell Jar

* Pin #67251 - Mrs. Potts

* Pin #67256 - Lumiere

* Pin # 69649 - Chip the Tea Cup

* Pin #71227 - Cogsworth the Clock

Back Description


7 Linked Pins

  1. RunA - Belle & Beast - Beauty & the Beast - From a 6 Pin Box Set
  2. RunA - Enchanted Rose - Beauty & the Beast - From a 6 Pin Box Set
  3. RunA - Mrs Potts - Beauty & the Beast - From a 6 Pin Box Set
  4. RunA - Lumiere - Beauty & the Beast - From a 6 Pin Box Set
  5. DLR - Tinker Bell Birthstone Collection 2009 - January (Garnet)
  6. RunA - Chip - Beauty & the Beast - From a 6 Pin Box Set
  7. RunA - Cogsworth - Beauty & the Beast - From a 6 Pin Box Set
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