Front Description
This pin features Safari Mickey Mouse peering through the grass and says "Disney's Animal Kingdom" across the bottom. This pin is backstamped with the 2002 Official Pin Trading stamp, stamped with "Disney's Animal Kingdom", and was made in Taiwan (seems unusual).
This pin, along with 5 other different ones, are on a tan colored bucket hat sold only at Disney's Animal Kingdom. Retail price of hat with 6 pins $36.00 Other pins on hat include, Kali River Rapids, Dinosaur, Festival of the Lion King, Kilimanjaro Safari, & It's Tough to be a bug (#18252, #18691, #19373, #19375, #20793 and #22848). Pins only available on hat, as a set.
Also available with 2003, 2004 & 2005 backstamps.
Back Description