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This pin is the same as Pin 1185: Springtime Butterfly Eeyore [sitting. Except that this pin has yellow filled wings instead of red that the rest produced have. I an not sure if this is an error in coloring, but the two colors of yellow used to fill the wings are slightly different in color with the outer being much paler then the inner color. The pin is the same in color size and every other aspect to the original.
Pin 1185: Springtime Butterfly Eeyore [sitting] Descpirtion:
Simialr to bean bag minnies [AKA beanies] this pin is of Eeyore wearing a springtime butterfly costume of Yellow suit and red centered wings, he is in a sitting pose. The Springtime Pooh Series is now on the Retired Rack at Disneyland (Nov. 2000)
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