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PP18842    Classic Mickey - Hands Behind Back-Tie Tac Back

Front Description

This 1 1/4" tall by 3/4" wide pin shows the Classic Mickey pose with his hands clasped behind his back.

Red shorts and deep yellow buttons and shoes. Has a red mouth, smaller than usual eyes and a pointy nose.

This pin is outlined in gold. Has a tie tack style back. Backstamped "c Disney China".

Similar to the following pins but not the same: #1111 -except for color of buttons and backstamp and clasp, # 5065 except for color of buttons, #11469 different color of mouth and size of eyes, #13434 except for size of eyes, gold outline & backstamp.

This pin also came in a small plastic bag like most cast pins.


Back Description


8 Linked Pins

  1. Monogram - Classic Mickey, Standing w/ Hands Behind Back
  2. Mickey Mouse Yesteryear Classic Pose
  3. DLRP - Small Classic Mickey
  4. Classic Mickey - Standing with Hands Behind Back
  5. Germany - Classic Mickey standing Hands behind back.
  6. Mickey Mouse Yesteryear Classic Pose
  7. Mickey - Classic Pose (Pink Face)
  8. Classic Mickey Mouse - Standing - Small
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