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PP19577    Lady and the Tramp Bubble Pin

Front Description

This clasp back pin features Lady and the Tramp and reads "Walt Disney Productions" in small writing on the front.


A set of 7 of these type of pins, all with "Made in England" stamped on the back.


Pins included in this series are: #6647, #6648, #6649, #6650, #6651, #15376, #15693, #19577.

Back Description

Silver with clasp back, MADE IN ENGLAND

9 Linked Pins

  1. England - Old Mickey Mouse Bubble Pin
  2. Button: Snow White & Dopey Button Pin
  3. Pinocchio Bubble Pin
  4. Bambi & Flower Bubble Pin
  5. Donald Duck Bubble Pin
  6. Pluto - Bubble Pin - WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS
  7. I'm Dopey Bubble Pin
  8. Eighth Annual Flower & Garden festival
  9. Sorcerer's Apprentice Bubble Pin
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