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PP19584    Euro Disney Opening Cast Member Pin (Hotel Cheyenne)

Front Description

Rectangular brass finish pin.

A stylized view of Desperado Road; a covered wagon is passing by the typical buildings of this frontier-style resort. For connaisseurs, the one represented is the Doc Holliday building , near the main entrance. 14 of them make up the resort designed by architect Robert Stern.




Euro Disney (r)



© Disney stamped on back.


This pin is part of set #19587 and the indivdiual pins are #19580, #19581, #19582, #19583, #19584, #19585, #19586.


This pin series was given to some CMs who helped open the park in April, 1992. Each land is represented, but there are only two pins featuring the hotels, as far as I know.

Back Description


7 Linked Pins

  1. DLP - Orbitron Attraction
  2. DLP - Dumbo - Flying around Sleeping Beauty's Castle
  3. Euro Disney Opening Cast Member Pin (Frontierland)
  4. Euro Disney Opening Cast Member Pin (Main Street U.S.A.)
  5. Euro Disney Opening Cast Member Pin (Hotel Santa Fe)
  6. Euro Disney Opening Cast Member Pin (Adventureland)
  7. Euro Disney Opening Cast Member Pin Set
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