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PP19747    RunA - Lilo and Stitch - Lilo and Stitch

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This 6 pin series is part of the Filmography Series put out by RUNA. These pins retail for 380 yen each and are sold at Disney retail shops. This is made of soft enamel, not epoxy or hard enamel/cloisonné.


This pin features Lilo and Stitch hugging each other. The quarter was added to the scan for size perspective. The pin is made of soft enamel with a bright silver metal finish.


Pins included in this series are: #19742, #19743, #19744, #19745, #19746, #19747.

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5 Linked Pins

  1. RunA - Stitch - Sitting as a Dog - Lilo and Stitch
  2. RunA - Stitch - Elvis - Lilo and Stitch
  3. RunA - Scrump - Lilo and Stitch
  4. RunA - Lilo - Hula Dancer - Lilo and Stitch
  5. RunA - Lilo - Lilo and Stitch
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