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PP19934    Sedesma - Aurora and Prince Phillip - Blue Dress - Sleeping Beauty

Front Description

This is Sleeping Beauty - princess Aurora - with prince Phillip. It's from Spain and has the Disney copyright and Sedesma on the back.


Set #148214, Sleeping Beauty (Aurora) head shot #19936, Sleeping Beauty and Prince Phillip #19934, Sleeping Beauty - 3 Fairies #31719, Sleeping Beauty Hands Together #32702. Prince Phillip with Sword #100305, Maleficent # 31664

Back Description

Gold sandblast, 1 post, 1 nub, ©Disney SEDESMA SA

9 Linked Pins

  1. Prince Phillip
  2. Sedesma - Briar Rose Aurora - Sleeping Beauty
  3. Sedesma - Maleficent - Sleeping Beauty
  4. Sedesma - Fairies - Flora Fauna Merryweather - Sleeping Beauty
  5. Sedesma - Briar Rose - Aurora - Sleeping Beauty
  6. Aurora & Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty Series (Black Metal)
  7. Sedesma - Prince Phillip with Sword - Sleeping Beauty - Black
  8. Sedesma - Briar Rose - Profile - Sleeping Beauty - Black
  9. Sedesma - Sleeping Beauty Set
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