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PP19935    Prince Phillip

Front Description

This is Prince Phillip from the movie Sleeping Beauty. It's from Spain and has the Disney copyright and Sedesma on the back.


The prince is holding his sword and shield, looking up as if ready to battle the forces of evil. Written on the front is "Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty

Back Description


7 Linked Pins

  1. Sedesma - Aurora and Prince Phillip - Blue Dress - Sleeping Beauty
  2. Sedesma - Briar Rose Aurora - Sleeping Beauty
  3. Sedesma - Fairies - Flora Fauna Merryweather - Sleeping Beauty
  4. Sedesma - Briar Rose - Aurora - Sleeping Beauty
  5. Sedesma - Prince Phillip with Sword - Sleeping Beauty - Black
  6. Sedesma - Briar Rose - Profile - Sleeping Beauty - Black
  7. Sedesma - Sleeping Beauty Set
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