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PP19995    Atlanta 1996 - St.Patrick's Day 1995 / Savannah

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I picked this pin up in Savannah, GA. It is the city that the 1996 summer Yachating events took place. This pin is like two pins in one. In the back you have two white colums on a red bakground. On top of that you have a blue square with a yacht on one side. Next to the sail of the boat is the word "Savannah" in all white caps. Just below that is "Site of Olympic Yachting". Then below the boat is "Atlanta 1996." Then below that is a square green box with the following: "Happy St.Patrick's Day, March 17, 1995, 490 Days Left to the Olympic Games." All in gold. On the back of the pin is the following: 1992 ACOG.

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