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PP20060    Disney Catalog - Toy Story 2 Andy's Toy Box Boxed Set (Woody)

Front Description

Woody is part of a seven-pin limited edition Toy Story 2 boxed set (#17729) released through the Disney Catalog or Disneystore.com called "Andy's Toy Box."


The cowboy Woody faces forward, walking foward, with his right arm extended further downward than his left.


The backstamp is, "© Disney, China." No edition size is marked on this, though the box description states it is limited edition 2500.


Individual pins in the set include: (#20059), (#20060), (#20295), (#20296), (#20297), (#20298) and (#20299).

Back Description


7 Linked Pins

  1. Disney Catalog - Toy Story 2 Andy's Toy Box Boxed Set (7 Pins)
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  5. Disney Catalog - Toy Story 2 Andy's Toy Box Boxed Set (Rex the Dinosaur)
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