Front Description
This rectangular, white epoxy-domed pin features the Disneyland 45th Anniversary logo, with Tinker Bell replacing the ‘I’ in "Disneyland" and a blue silhouette of Sleeping Beauty’s Castle above the name. The pin was created as a promotional item for a campaign on Spanish-language radio. At the top, it reads "Disneyland Park," while the bottom showcases the phrase "Ven a Vivir La Magia," which translates to "Come Experience the Magic" in English.
For reference, this pin is similar to the images in picture 2048.
Over time, epoxy domed pins may develop a yellowish tint. The additional image of this pin illustrates the gradual yellowing that has occurred, showing the natural aging process of the dome.
Back Description
Silver shiny metal finish. 1 post (center top). 1 post. 1 barb. No nubs. ©DISNEY, TAIWAN.